There has been so much of this swirling around me the past few weeks. So many incredibly, talented women getting their confidence knocked about from comparing or harsh words by those they care about.
I've been through it myself & the last thing we want to do is to slip back into the RED ZONE's proving energy & or even worse - take ourselves out of the game completely.
In this episode I share what I do & what needs to be done to keep your head in the game when you feel like giving up.
NEW (free for now) MANIFESTING CLASS - THURSDAY 12/1/22:
How female entrepreneurs can make SURE the Law of Attraction ALWAYS works for them without making gratitude lists, thinking "positive", or feeling the damn feeling.
Today's episode is a simple trick to use to get yourself out of the downward spiral of OVERTHINKING.Â
NEW (free for now) MANIFESTING CLASS - THURSDAY 12/1/22:
How female entrepreneurs can make SURE the Law of Attraction ALWAYS works for them without making gratitude lists, thinking "positive", or feeling the damn feeling.
Where EASE really comes from & how to cultivate it in your business & life. Plus why I hyphenate.Â
NEW (free for now) MANIFESTING CLASS - THURSDAY 12/1/22:
How female entrepreneurs can make SURE the Law of Attraction ALWAYS works for them without making gratitude lists, thinking "positive", or feeling the damn feeling.
Everything is connected & when you tune in, find & allow those connections they can lift you support you & drive you forward in an intrinsic way that feels ease-y breezy & fun instead of forced & draining.Â
If you've lost your connection to your business & want to move forward with it in a way that lights you up again this episode may help.Â
NEW (free for now) MANIFESTING CLASS - THURSDAY 12/1/22:
How female entrepreneurs can make SURE the Law of Attraction ALWAYS works for them without making gratitude lists, thinking "positive", or feeling the damn feeling.
Time is one of our most valuable resources.
We only get so much (in this lifetime anyway) and once you use it, it’s gone.
You can’t go to the time bank and take more out or save some extra time for a rainy day, you only get what you get and you don’t even get to know how much that is!
Yet, we use it so carelessly.
I know people who won’t spend a dime without serious thought and speculation, but when it comes to time, it’s like a fucking free for all.
You may have thought this article was going to be about Facebook and cellphones and yes they can most definitely be considered time wasters, but what we don’t realize is how many things we do unconsciously that waste our precious time.
They drop our vibrations, suck out our energy, which makes us feel tired and takes us further away from everything that we really want, but with a little self awareness you can turn them around.
Below are my top 10 time wasters that are robbing you of joy.
“Worrying is like praying for what...
Whatever you are feeling is showing you what you're thinking & believing. So when it comes to money, you need to notice if you're feeling what you'd feel if you had a belief system that would create an abundance of abundance? Or an abundance of lack.
So using your feelings is an easy way to determine if you're thinking as you would if you were wealthy.Â
I do realize this can sometimes be easier said than done… especially when your bank account is slowly (or quickly) dwindling down to nothing.
But it is definitely possible and today I’m going to teach you 5 ways to feel rich when you don’t have a lot of money.
I know I’ve said this many, many times before (and will say it many, many times again), but it’s that important.
Gratitude is the new black.
And it will always be step #1 for escaping a lack mentality, plus it builds momentum for the other steps.
Look around and get grateful for what’s present in your life right now.
Maybe your bank account is low, but do ...
How many times have you heard someone say “you just need to stay positive” when you’re going through a rough time. And how many times did you feel like turning around and bitch slapping them in the face?
As someone who has actually been bitch slapped for saying that, I’ve learned that it can be a lot easier said than done, but it is possible and it is important for attracting what you want.
The reason for trying to remain positive is simply because positive emotions attract more positive emotions into your life.
It’s not that you’re NOT attracting when you’re not positive, you’re just not attracting things or circumstances that will give you more positive emotions.
Remember, underneath all of our desires is an emotion, which is what we’re really after.
Hands down, Gratitude and Love are where you want to be to feel the best. This is where you’ll attract your highest good and the highest good for everyone else, as well as, the planet.
But it can be very hard for us humans to just ...
Have you ever wanted something sooooOO bad, except it was for someone else?
Maybe you watched your loved one drown in a sea of debt after they lost their job. Or maybe they have health issues you wish you could help them heal. Maybe your best friend is in an awful relationship and you want to find her a new man who treats her the way YOUÂ feel she should be treated.
Today I’m answering a question that comes up a lot:
Is it possible to use the law of attraction to manifest something for someone else?
The answer is yes. And no.
It’s not 100% cut and dry so I’ll explain with some examples.
If you and the other person both want the same thing, are both aware of the LoA and are actively working together on the same outcome by intending, visualizing or however you choose to align yourself with the vibration of whatever it is you want, then yes.
Two or more bodies intending the same outcome & vibrating at the same frequency are more powerful than one for sure!
BUT, if the person you’re...
Motivation is a funny, little thing isn’t it?
Many peeps have a love / hate relationship with it, myself included.
There has been a lot of research done and TONS of books have been written on the subject of how to get and stay motivated, yet it is still something most of us find ourselves longing for when we desire to make a change or achieve a goal.
The problem is that we often look to outside sources for motivation, like a motivational speaker, motivational books and courses or someone to kick us in the ass and hold us accountable. These are all great tools in the short term and they can be a good asset to the big picture, but you will find that if you can get clear around what I’m about to tell you below, you won’t need any of that.
When you feel unmotivated it is usually because of one of two reasons.
Either you’re not clear or have lost sight of WHY you’re going after your goal in the first place OR there is a greater advantage for you to stay put and not move forward toward ...
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